Just Ask Me, Darling

Today I readered on Strawberry Singh’s blog a curious thing: she obviously has started an account on ask.fm and wrote about some of the questions people were asking her there. One of the questions was about what she would like to read about in non-fashion blogs. See here:


Oh my. :/ Doesn’t Berry read Orcsi’s little bloggsythingy? Because if she did she’d have gotten all the pretty biased (mis)information directly from aforementioned Orcsi. You, as regular readers know that Orcsi has just built a computer for herself and her SL habit and is over the moon happy with it. And she even wrote a rationale about how she decided on the individual parts of her build and how that machine is doing.

And you all know that Orcsi is sometimes not the most cleverest person on earth, so she even made some mistakes in her build and wasted some money on non-fitting parts. But still she managed to come up with a very reasonable machine, not just good for SL but an overall very capable little numbercruncher.

Part 1 was about me putting that computer thing together. As I already admitted, Orca is rather erratic and non-geeky but if she can do it … SO CAN YOU! That’s particularly true for a clever girl like Berry.


Part 2 was about me doing waht I do best: mucking up and failing the reality check. 😦


Part 3 was about bringing my new pride and joy to the hardware authorities for them to figure out what I did wrong. Turned out it wasn’t much, so I did quite good for a first-timer. Particularly when considering I tried my hands on a M-ITX build for practical *cough* vanity reasons. 😮 In fact I was just a bit sloppy when sticking the graphics card into the extension slot on the motherboard. With a little more muscle power I should’ve put it in far enough to hear a click. Didn’t know that was important.


So I guess with the concentrated power and knowledge Berry could’ve acquired from those first hand reports she would’ve all her questions being answered and she would’ve ended up with her own personal wonderpretty and very fashionable computer system. But basically, to come back to Berry’s initial question, what’s the bestest computer hardware for running SL, there are only 2 … no, 3 answers available:

# The best hardware is the one you’re using now, right now. It’s always the hardware you have to your disposal. Because without it you wouldn’t be able to connect at all. And you can’t log in SL with pretty pictures of the best hardware in a catalogue.

# The best hardware is the most expensive you can afford. Because generally speaking, the more expensiverer the more betterer! Ts & Cs and sales and discounts and Black Fridays do apply.

# The best hardware can also be the one you like most, the stuff you find most pretty or fitting your personal style, regardless of geekish benchmarking results. So the best hardware is also the best compromise. I for example desperately wanted to get away from my big heavy tower case, as my old system was too full of testosterone and too loud but still too weak. So I traded in some practicality for added cuteness. And yet I had to make another compromise, since stylish M-ITX cases are rather costly so my case is kinda priceworthy but also very black and very masculine and big enough to house full size PC parts … but still ridiculously small to get away with the kyoot tag. 😉

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